

Crop As Needed

If you are here, it means scanned the inside of Anything Box’s Limited Edition 12″ Single or the CD. Either way, you are probably wondering how to collect your Non-Fungible Token (NFT). Well, you are in the correct spot. But before you fill out the little form below (for more NFTs and music), there are few steps you need to follow to claim your PERSONAL NFT (It will be in YOUR NAME!). It’s easy. Let’s break it down, ok?

  1. Get yourself a Tezos Wallet. We think this is the best way to collect digital art. Besides this, Tezos functions as digital money! 
  2. When setting up your wallet, make sure you write down or keep safe your Secret Phrase. This is the most important thing in ANY crypto wallet. Do not lose this phrase. 
  3. Come back and fill out this form and that’s it. 

Once you have your Temple or Kukai Wallet, I can mint your NFT into the Tezoz blockchain in your name. All we need is your Tezos address for the NFT and that’s it. We do NOT need or want your Secret Phrase! And again, keep that phrase safe. It is more important than a password.

NOTE: Being part of this exclusive club means that you may get secret NFT drops! 🙂


    What are you Registering?

    Enter the number that’s on the sticker or written on the item. If there’s no number, the mint date will be the edition number, so don’t worry if there is no sticker on your record or CD.

    Anything Box would love it if you did not share the link to this page, even if you found it by accident. This page comes from a QR code found on the inside art for Anything Box’s Dead Stars EP on vinyl/CD. So if you found this by chance, there may be a chance for you to get the 12″, CD, or the NFT.There are only 300 copies available of this EP available, and it comes with a free 4K display NFT. Other than that, you can always own the digital version (No NFT with that though).